Introducing the first in a series of Online Massage Courses created by Brad Drummer LMT BCTMB
What if...
In addition to the wonderful benefits from the usual relaxing massage, you could create a massage that incorporates a whole new approach to touch?
A massage that literally communicates trust and relaxation without triggering the client's automatic defense system, in an environment that eliminates distractions?
A massage that is centered upon reaching and maintaining the Delta state of relaxation, so crucial to every aspect of healing?
As you can imagine, the therapeutic benefits would be profound.
The Delta Wave Massage,™ created by Brad Drummer, LMT, BCTMB, and based upon his theories on Delta Wave relaxation, IS that massage!
Introducing the second in a series of Online Massage Courses created by Brad Drummer LMT BCTMB.
Brad Drummer's Pulse Wave Massage, is a profoundly deep massage that does not cause pain or bruising. This technique is based upon his theories on Delta Wave relaxation, which is the state in which nearly all physical, emotional, and nervous system healing takes place. Pulse Wave Massage allows for deep work that actually penetrates deeper than traditional techniques without causing pain and triggering the client's defensive reflex.
What therapists are saying -
This course brought a new perspective to me and I've been massaging for over 30 years. It helped me to better understand why some of my deeper techniques created some pain that lasted for a day or two. The course also added to my understanding of what I am doing well and why my massages help clients so much.